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tv   KTVU Noon News  FOX  November 14, 2012 12:00pm-12:30pm PST

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i remember that years ago. everyone wondering who that was. >> community reaction after authorities link the suspect in the sierra lamar case with previous attacks. good afternoon. i'm tori campbell. >> the man accused of abducting and murdering sierra lamar of morgan hill is now facing
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murder charges today not related this -- to this case. and here's more. >> reporter: antolin garcia- torres has been behind bars for more than six months for the kidnapping and killing of sierra lamar. now the district attorney has charged him with killing two women in two safeway customers back in -- back in 2009. some cussers were, they are relieve -- customers, they re relieved. >> i remember everyone wondering who whats that -- who that was. >> reporter: in at least two sin dents -- incidents weapons wered. ktvu spoke to the victim back when it happened. >> he kept pulling my hair an
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punching me -- and munching me. >> reporter: antolin garcia- torres used to be an employee at both safeways in morgan hill. employees who used to work with me told me that they remember him as a polite guy but his feelings changed once he was connected to sierra lamar. >> it's kind of a shock that he's doing this in his own territory where he's working and no one suspected him at all. >> reporter: the case had to go through several hearings that he could be tried as an adult for him. i spoke with garcia-torres' sister on the fun. she refused comment. antolin garcia-torres will be in court december 10th. back to you. the cleanup and recovery is well underway after the flooding and mudslide that we
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first discovered yesterday. tara moriarty is live to explain the growing concern about what might in the next few days. you can see how deep the mud is. that's a pretty panoramic view. a. that's where the -- panoramic view. that's where the mud was mushed. right now crews are -- pushed. right knew crews are trying to dig all of this mud out. they will have to wait until the weekend is over and when it is not work raining crane more to -- raining anyto do this. official says a 7-year-old cast iron pipe ruptured, unleashing 45,000 gallons of water into the neighborhood. they were able to free the tires up to the tips of their
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tires and now the system is on the park system. >> what we're doing now, we need to find out where the drain is. we are gina get to the storm drain and identify where that is. and based upon where that is located, we can divert water to the operation. >> reporter: inspectors say the testing is safe for now. we talked to others about the water damage. sea is -- he says the system is antiquated. so far most of this dirt has been hauled away. some of it may try to put it back into the trench. coming up on the news at 5:00, mike mibach with talk -- will talk to some neighbors to see how they are coping. we have more details now. on how claims for property damage will be handled.
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damage to vehicles may be covered by auto insurance policies. president obama held his first solo news conference in eight months. the president said his first priority in his second term is to create jobs and economic growth. and also, the fiscal cliff -- >> as i said before i'm open to compromise and new idea. i've been encouraged to hear republican after republican to agree on more revenue from the wealthy republicans as part of our math if we're gonna be serious about reducing the budget. >> the president wants to decrease those taxes going up for those making less than
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$250,000 a year but raise rates on those making more. the first question he got, was the scandal involving the resignation of david petraeus. the white house said there were not informed until last week about the investigation. a reporter asked if any classified information has been compromised. >> i have no evidence that i've seen that classified information that was disclosed, that in any way, would have had a negative impact on our negative security. >> there was some question whether petraeus would testify about the hearings in libya that left four americans dead. petraeus will testify at those hearings. google says the fbi's request to access the personal g-mail
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account of paula broadwell, the woman who had an affair with petraeus, was one of 7100 similar requests the -- requests the company received in just the first half of the year. google says they comply fully or partially, 90% of the time. nancy pelosi announced today that she will continue her role as minority leader. she made the announcement during a celebration of the growing number of female members of the house. >> reporter: republicans responded with criticism saying that pelosi is the reason that democrats are a mine minority in congress. >> she was the first woman to serve as speaker. >> san rafael police for shooting suspects. a 26-year-old man was shot in
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the back last night. he underwent surgery and is expected to survive. witnesses say they saw four men take off in a dark-colored car. police arrested two men in their 20s. the other two suspects remain on the loose. police in walnut creek want your kep planning -- want your for -- want your help to find those who kidnapped a woman and held her captive to get money. one of the suspects is described as white, in his early to mid-20s. 5'11", about 185 pound with short, dark hair. the second kidnap he, white, 5'9", 150 pounds -- kidnapper,
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white, 5'9", 150 pounds. alex savidge is live from san francisco to explain how a project will mean thousands of guaranteed construction jobs forry residents. >> reporter: -- for residents. >> reporter: well, the team promising a 25% of the work force will be san francisco residents. i want to show you the scene inside. as web, core and hunt signed off on this deal. the $1 billion arena going up at piers 30 and 32, the mayor said this morning, he sees this as a chance to put city residents to work during the announcement dozens of construction workers and apprentices were onhand hoping to be part of this huge project. >> many of the people in this room are looking for that opportunity from all walks of
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life. they say -- they see had as a citywide project. it's everybody's future. >> reporter: i hope to be working high in the sky and, i know, just making this project go as best as it can go. >> reporter: the city hire said he expects this will mean that 4,000 san franciscans will be put to work. the team and builders are hiring half of their apprentice workers from san francisco. this is mandatory. the warriors are partners in labor, the contractors have committed to work with us to make local hiring mandatory. 50% local apprentices will build this arena. >> reporter: now, the waiver yers plan to move from oakland
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to san francisco into a 17,000- seat arena in time for the 2017 see on. but this project has its critics. some neighbors worry about noise, traffic and some also question the team's financial deal with the city that would give them a 13% return on the money they spend for infrastructure improvements. right now, the board's meeting here inside of city hall, they are expected to vote on the physical cam feasibility of the project. alex savidge, ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you. at this hour, a group of nudists plan to stage what they call a nude-in as it san francisco -- in at san francisco's city hall. it's to ban public nudity instead of during festivals. the officials are expected to vote on this next week. currently, nudity is legal in some parts of san francisco as
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long as there's no lewd conduct. we'll check back in with mark to find out when the weather will change here dramatic -- crash maticly -- dramatically. more reaction from those who learned about a mistake where a vehicle was selling gas for -- where a gas station was selling gas for very cheap.
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a small plane made an emergency landing right in the middle of a placer county highway. it happened around 10:30 this morning on highway 65. near blue oaks boulevard. officials say the pilot actually landed on the roadway and then pulled into the center divide. nobody was hurt. crews are in the process of removing the plane prosecute -- plane from the highway. a small electrical fire led to big problems in texas's city hall. it knocked out power to several departments and -- san francisco's city hall. it knocked out power to several departments. here's more. >> reporter: workers were just
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happen foy see the building open for business -- happy to see the building open for business. >> sounds like everything is gonna be okay. >> reporter: the city plunged into darkness after an electrical panel in the basement blew. at 8:00 a.m., the doors opened for business thanks to the generators which kept the lights on on the first and second floors where most of the public gets their business. in the basement it was all about cleanup and figuring out how to repair -- get repairs done quickly. >> some of the equipment will still need to be tested. >> reporter: but for erica, it's all about the fourth
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graders who get to meet the mayor today. >> the kids knew that they were very excited about it. >> reporter: so they are glad things are open for business? >> yes. >> reporter: so today was not about the lesson of the power to the building. back to you. governor jerry brown made an appearance at the uc board of recents -- regents meeting. but a controversial report grabbled the spotlight. that report claims that the university system plans to lose millions of dollars. governor brown asked about another point in the report that uc debt doubled. >> it just caught my attention because as i look over this picture here and i put it in the context of the state spending. within the context of -- something has to give.
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>> the majority of the debt is from building housing. officials say not one dime of duition goes to pay the debt. many people in oakley are upset they will have to pay more to have -- to have their garbage picked you. raises the rates of 17% was opposed. the city of morago will show its support for a teenager kicked out of the boy cuts because he's guy. a proclamation will be presented to an derson. he created a wall at joaquin moraga to earn his legal school -- anderson. he created a wall at joaquin more raw go to hearn his legal
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-- moraga to learn his award. check out the prices at the bottom of this bottom viewer for gas -- at the bo -- at the bottom of this picture. it was obviously an error. some of last night's really slow prices were on the pumps. one customer noticed something wasn't quite right. >> i saw it was like $1.86. and 5 gallons. okay. what happened here. our crew saw the manager scrambling to make sure all of the pumps arite -- pumps are right. well, this wednesday is shaking -- is shaping up to do something out there. back up to the 60s to around 70 degrees. you can see a few high clouds
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looking out towards parts of the east bay. today will be one of the warmest days of the week. not much in the way of cloud cover, mainly -- a look at some of the current numbers out there. notice missing. san francisco city -- half moon bay 70. a few neighbors around the 60s. forecast headlines for tonight, we do have this -- fair skies. the warmest day, tomorrow we'll thicken up the cloud cover and those clouds will present some raindrops by thursday night and into friday. today not much happening. just a few high clouds out there. but within the afternoon temperatures, we're on track to reach 72, 74. there is -- will be marching in
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-- there is a weather system that will be marching in. on thursday we bring in a few sprinkles. we could still be tracking more rain clouds into the weekend. so the unsettled weather pattern just beginning. for this afternoon, a few high clouds out there. you will notice a few clouds by thursday evening. the first parts of the clouds pushing in. so off and on stuff for friday evening temperatures this afternoon, enjoy the warm ones. san jose, 72. fremont right around 70 degrees. we'll -- we've been dealing with the lows. they've been coming up a little bit. so it's nice to have mild numbers out there today. we'll shave off a few degrees
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on thursday. some occasional off and on showers. tori, you can see the rain clouds, multiple rain clouds, we're expecting some breaks this weekend. enjoy today. the oakland mayor kicked off a holiday campaign to encourage residents to pump money back into their community. ♪ >> mayor quan and local merchants appeared at a festive media equate to promote shop oakland grown. this supports 50 local businesses and the use of oakland grown gift cards. both the merchants and the city will benefit. >> oaklanders spend $28 million in gift cards. $28million. so if we all maybe some of those gift cards as oakland
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grown cards think about what that would do for our local community? >> those cards can be used as dozens of parks. ahead -- oakland as manager just talking to reporters after receiving a special honor. >>
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becomes a preferred network copay of $1 when you fill your prescription at any of the 8,000 convenient walgreens locations. so call and enroll today. remember, the premium is just $15 a month. don't wait. open enrollment ends december 7th. aarp medicarerx saver plus. call now or visit your local walgreens for more information. investors drawing little hope for a quick compromise
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over budget talks even signals from the federal reserve that higher taxes would increase the bond buying program famed to help. the dow is down 161. nasdaq down 32. s&p down 16. some people in berkeley are upset over the date set for a public hearing to close a post as. that's next week at 7:00. some say that's a bad time because so many will be out of town traveling for thanksgiving. the oakland as bob melvin reacted after being being named manager of the year. >> one of the things for me was the -- the most special for me, we really did energize an area. not just the people who came to the ballpark. >> he led the team to the a.l. east championship. today at 5:00, our ongoing
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investigation into questionable spending by port oakland officials has expanded. we've learned from an audit we've obtain and how many employees are involved. thank you for trusting the news. we'll see you the next time news breaks. we're always here for you at
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[ female announcer ] martinelli's gold medal sparkling cider
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is the perfect choice for holiday gatherings. martinelli's is non-alcoholic, festive like champagne, and tastes great! martinelli's: since 1868.


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